A downloadable game for Windows

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A 2D action adventure game with a some RPG-like mechanics. It is set in a fantasy world where an excluded goddess called Unn'a is trying to take control of the world in a search for power. As a renegade female priest, who were once deceived by Unn'a, the player must now stop the goddess and save the continent of Asyren.

At the beginning, the primordial gods created the Tree of Life, called Asyren. This tree worked as a connection between the Sprititual World and Earth. But time has passed and now a goddess called Unn'a wants to use this connection as an advantage to control the whole world while becoming stronger each day! You, a renegate priest, who once worshiped the goddess but were deceived by her false promises, must explore the kingdoms of Asyren and put and end to Unn'a's control!

  • Explore the world of Asyren and it’s kingdoms
  • Collect Gems on the way to get new abilities
  • Defeat bosses and absorb their powers
  • Visit each kingdom and purchase upgrades for your stats

As a small team, we all work together as we can, helping each other with Game Design, Art and programming ideas. But our team is formed by:

  • Alex Borges - General Artist and Game Designer
  • Leonardo Lindoso - Lead Game Designer, Programmer and Artist
  • Lukas Dias - Programmer and Game Designer
  • Paulo Santos - Concept Artist and Game Designer
  • Wesley Luz - Programmer
  • Weverton Trindade - Programmer

Stay with us and follow our work!

  • Instagram: @astralgamestudio
  • Twitter: @studio_astral


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Asyren Build PROD - 1.0.1.zip 57 MB

Development log


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Deleted 8 days ago

Hey! It was awesome to get this comment of you after so much time! We are making now a 2D point & click game called Scarlet Manor: The Heir. We may even need your testing skills again lol but for now, we are still in early development stage

Feel free to follow our work on our social media!

Deleted 8 days ago
Deleted 8 days ago

Hey! Sorry for the late answer!! We put Asyren on hold so we could work on some new projects. You can follow us on Twitter to stay up to date with our news!

Deleted 8 days ago
(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback!! We love the title of your gameplay video hahaha 

You said you found the game demo in another website, can you tell us it's name or the link for us to check it out?

Deleted 8 days ago
Deleted 8 days ago

We were aware of some of the glitches, but we couldn't get rid of all of them because we had a short deadline to publish the demo. We focused on fixing the "ugliest" glitches, the ones that really blocked the player from playing the game. We really appreciate that you enjoy our game! Such positive comments always inspire us!

Deleted 8 days ago

Hi! I just downloaded the demo of this game but ran into a couple of problems. For example the down key didn't work (for activating the levers or saving the game etc) and I didn't know how to quit.. Esc wasn't working for me. 

Apart from that I really enjoyed the first level - the music and sound effects were satisfying and the level design was fun. My only criticism is the camera. It kept switching between fixed and scrolling somewhat randomly which disturbed the gameplay a little.


Oi achei o jogo muito so que eu vi alguns bugs de sprite quando o jogador esta andando e durante o cenario tbm me incomodei que quando o jogador vai pular em algum buraco ou algo do tipo a "gravidade" meio que buga e acaba indo mais rapido que o normal sem contar que acho que poderia ter mais coisas durante o game por exemplo nos baus poderia ter um tipo de seleçao aleatoria de items para que o jogo fique mais legal tam bem  poderia adicionar mais inimigos com uma dificuldade um pouco maior espero que tenha levado como critica construtiva gosto de apoiar os game devs brs ja que estou entrando pra esse "mundo" poderia me dar algumas dicas?



Opa! Valeu pelo feedback! Pode falar as criticas sem medo hahaha É sempre bom saber que o cenário game dev BR ta crescendo! Sobre as dicas, não da pra dar muita dica sem um contexto maior sobre teu nivel, mas cara, o importante mesmo no começo é pegar projetos pequenos e tentar ao máx finalizar eles! Assim tu ganha experiência e ainda ganha portifolio!


Muito bom! Parabéns galera.


Achei o jogo muito bom, mas a área inicial parece um pouco "sem vida", talvéz por causa das texturas. A animação de corrida é um pouco feia e podia colocar um delay entre os ataques, porque por enquanto a única estratégia é clicar o mais rápido possível. A música é muito bonita e a arte também. Um abraço de Portugal e continuação de um bom trabalho!


Muito obrigado pelo feedback!! Ja foi passado para a equipe!


Asyren is a 2D-platformer with elements that reminds me somehow the classic Prince of Persia. This game has some nice art indeed. It's a good game to play!


Thank you for the review and the video!

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Thank you for the video!!


Hello. I think what you came up with is pretty cool. Here's some feedback:

* You can apply arrow key controls to WASD and Z to Space. Because most of the people aren't used to this.

* Sometimes we can't jump over the boss even with a double jump. That makes it very, very hard. You can change that.

* You should change the texture of diamondy-thing we loot from the monsters. It can be more pixelated to fit the other textures.

Thank you, for the feedback! I'm writing this down!